Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sweet relief Thank you

Just had to say what a pleasure it was to hear Red and Micallef celebrating the need for "trained" comment . The Queen got a wrap but many of us in the public service who trained  celebrated the respect  too .

Its been a long time between drinks  for those of us who have watched the destruction of the delicate , the slow and truly sustainable and substantive in government. All power to those in the ABC who report , rebuild and reform rather than restrict us to revolutionary and wrecking talk  .Such disunity and whitanting is immature and is making the West very weak in the the stakes of more dangerous and well tested ideas .
Save the ABC from its mediocrity but more importantly save it from those who close gates inadvertently and  worse; Those who close the gates for their own  religious reasons    .. From those who , even in their mature years,  do not know the wolf and where he resides .