Monday, December 05, 2005

Nitpickers convention .Jon feine today You rightly said the rapid passage of many bills was the big issue prechristmas, but then proceeded to get diverted to one of your old favourites -Innuendo --not giving us a way to followup on that more critical matter ( radio national?). Will you get back on track ? , Good indeed that Stone got the chance to let us know from some REAL insider about ministerail responsibility .

Tiresome stuff . the rhetoric sounds too much like the old favourite of trying to find some crack in the rights armour to pee through .Deep cuts will keep your audience but sitting around speculating about incidents is desperation talk. sneer works too but is it worthy of you? The treasurer, or more likely his department may have made a error of judgement. What ever happened to innocent until the facts come out . Are you like the Insiders ( comfort zone insiders is it?) qualified to comment on eco matters - we think the speculation element in the ABC is too high and switch off . maybe its time to get a report on How many DUD appointees labor has Had as financial advisers - now that would be a story with some basis and give some crebility to 774 as a not for left profit vehicle !.Predictable and passe