Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Sack the producers for the sake of our children

Virginia Trioli is too intelligent to last in the hot air atmosphere of the power hungry directorate of ABC Melbourne and all the central Melbourne cynics.
Today they let her run with Ross Garnaut, bore water warriors, meat targeting and all sorts of dreamed up super  tragedies related to misanthropy and climate catastrophe.

She also needs to stop targeting industry as if its all the same Its so predictably Marxist cynical. Just a depressing waste of time.  

 Virginia might also like to review her membership of the progressive Fabians as they only survive as parasites of the public purse.
If that doesn't convince her, maybe handing our children the depressing legacy of  "a dogma of hopelessness and definite belief in unbelief ". And if not scepticism  thatc"  corrupt fatigue about human affairs " that GK C called cynicism .) in GB Shaw)

Garnaut on 6th on ABC Melbourne was so NOT credible stating we can rely on air movement +daylight with biomass ( for soils benefit?) providing the store 4 quiet times. Unbelievably he is not over the technology, but in awe of it

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