Monday, April 18, 2005

I agree Virginia - why don't you ask Geraldine Brooks about western womens PC views of themselves. May not be popular , but then is 774 trying to be popular or provocative? A less predjudiced view of what lies under the veil would be good reality therapy ?

Geraldine Brooks came as close as anyone I know in recent times to challenging the tired old reactionaries doctrines about good writing. While I enjoyed Elaine's and Andrew Denton's engagement with her, I feel , as "a successful export", she still had much more to give to shock us out of our complacency over the doldrums in reality dramas. 774 conversation hour program was more ffective in doing that, i think than Denton was. Well done.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I like listening to Virginia Trioli- not a woosy old reactionary . Has she attempted to resist the one dimensioanl portraits of great women that ABC TV want to force on us - Elizabeth 1 or anyone virgin like -for that matter?? Dear me we could be heading back to Victorian times ! Apparently they had fun then too!