Backward technophiles
I don't listen to Jon Feine much any more . Like many Victorians we have learnt that his own prejudices affect his direction and approach to most matters. He shared with Labor a love of simple solutions and promoting them without talking to practical people ; a true ideolog -Feine was partly responsible for the easy run that Labor got to implement its own half thought through iniatives like the desal plant .
What Victorians clearly need from their ABC is a affairs service that DOESN'T" try to instantly resolve the issue but, like the net Links, gives THINKING PEOPLE more info to be convinced about ( the great lack of the modern age ) .The unfinished symphonies of ABC current affairs have too many violinists and trumpeters who got there licence with the ALDI packet where they bought the instrument .
Even if the ABC tuning out is often done much more subtlely than many in commercial media ,the ignorance and arrogance of some cuurent affairs leaders clearly limit what we hear on their programs; When an alternative point of view is about to come forward, they " move on" .
No surprise then that after listening carelessly to all the grand schemes of Labor, Feines attempt to NOW distance himself from yet another of the many quick fixes he has promoted over the last decade - smart meters.
At 8:40 am ( high value newstime) Jon's guest on the subject of smart meters was not credible, but both presenters pretended to be .
ABC current affairs broadcasters can no longer hide behind the dumb question ( "I am representing the public " perhaps. but not those thinking people in ABC territory who are beyond kindergarten )
The public will soon learn ( if they haven't already) that they can get better sources ,and more substantial information and most importantly less quick fixes on issues on a screen page elsewhere . Feine's fanatical control of callers /guests will go down as an example of The ABC's new millennia failures to move with the times in giving the people back their contact with other like minded and thinking people .
ABC programs MUST seek to put links on the web for call back callers (as agreed by callers ) and all there reports to avoid the feeling from time to time we all have that some complex matter is deal with that look like editorialized quick fix.We have our sources too----- so tell us YOURS!
A classic problem is the way ABCenv journos are tempted acts a chief critic of new technology( coal seam gas) as well as chief promoter ( soil sequestration ) without really being able to act as a reasonable adjudicator of either . Links would help ABC be a leader in the area of encouraging young people to take science ( not quick fix - technology and politics ), ecological economy and critical thinking in the clever country seriously.
Since when have our politicians known so much ?
Labels: quickfix