Fear --You bet
For I bring you bad tidings of great worry which shall infect the whole 774 listenership if they are not careful to take the feinefluvirus vaccine - available here
Faine is at it again. This time he's really worried about water.
"May has had its lowest rainfall for oh oh so long '
Next month, when it rains, it will be "landslides in the catchments" --one presumes .
For your information, the only time to review water restrictions in Victoria is in November.
and while Jon taunted Brumby over the new authority and their charging method , he's missed the major point - Brumby has without any flack , started up yet another uneccesary Authority.
New governments will have to give new names to competent institutions now that they have overused the word authority. The unauthoritative nature of so many new authorties is real. take the Coastal MA. Think of others?
Maybe someone could throw the word "commission" in at this moment.
Where is Baillieu when Brumbys planning fiascos are so obviusly destined to be ineffective and uneccesary for good governance; new Authorities for everything displacing anyone whose really responsible for anything.