Friday, March 04, 2005

Surplllize -
Steve Fielding, I think, surprised Jon feine 774 by not playing up to the old lefties game of being the aggressive, reactionary cynic- "always in opposition mode" -thats's so predictably ABC.
Good to see that someone can disagree with a wide range of political people( their talks yesterday) and still be friends- talking detail.

Perhaps the models of aggressive competitive behaviour considered normal by so many media males are not the best models for our communities and families : where we need to remain on " good talking terms" ( not reactionary or with competition in confidence barriers ).

Want an objective view? . The science and stats on NEW male and female role model methods promoted in reaction in our culture ----- are not good mate
In another bit of projection commonly used on the ABC they switch tosomething more important - "land and share prices " ----you know what intellectuals USED to say about those who keep there radio shows alive with talking up the price of everything !.
The ABC could do a lot to question our preoocupation with the price of everything and get into the values of something.


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