Tuesday, February 08, 2005

strong>The old foggies at the ABC
Young people are told its only normal to " play around " Everyone does it according to the ABC 774 afternoon program last week .No questions asked - its pure doctrine and in the good name of science survey .
The bad boys( Safin/ hewitt) are ahead of the game and no media press has picked up on the scoop - now you know!

These over 16 yold are rejecting the faith of their forebears- they don't think this generation of ABCchurchgoers are right to promote " getting what you want?" or 'everyones doing it "
They want to wear white too! How many other Young people are there in the wings and why do you not question whether children want what our society thought normal 30years ago. Are we denying them what we had in the shallow name of rebellion ?

What are these TOP blokes up to then? - is marriage something to strive for ?


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