Thursday, May 10, 2007

The budget - Lovely Christmas type cheer

Hate it to have to say it, but jon feine yesterday was at least, up to speed on one of the key weak links in the election game - eg great intentions, but misguided action on env policy . and yet Labor weren't ready to properly pick up environmnet when and where when it mattered - as a response to this "same again" mistargeting of the env agenda.

Neither party knows where they are going with env policy because they have both been eroding the cuttingedge.

The rehashing of old forestry incentives is the biggest evidence of stationary thinking in the govt incresingly wearing thin armoury on env -(eg too close to failed MIS stuff , incl no review of where NHT is going ! the conservatives "same again"on environmnet is dogsballs stuff up stuff .
To win though, you have to point em them out. Best to do that with the audience at election time , when they are sticking out!


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